“Are we there yet?”

It’s probably the most popular road trip phrase among kids. But let’s be honest – road trips are exciting! Can we blame them for sharing in our joy?

Whether you’re driving for a couple of hours or for a few days, there are a few things you can do to help your kids enjoy the journey before you reach your destination.

Taking the kids on an RV  road trip? Here are some of our top travel tips to help you and your kids have the road trip of a lifetime.

1. Make a road trip list

Before heading on the road, one of the best things you can do is start with a road trip list. It’s a bit less fun than winging it, but you’ll be glad you did when your child’s favorite blanket saves you from a mid-highway meltdown!

Start your list early and make sure to include everything from clothing to essentials for the car. 

A checklist also does double duty by making sure you don’t lose anything along the way. Use your list to cross-reference everything at every stop. This way, you can make sure anything you’ve taken with you makes it home at the end of your road trip.

2. Charge the devices (and check it twice!)

Tablets and devices are road trip essentials these days. From GPSes to keeping your kids entertained, they can do it all.

Save yourself the headache of dead devices and make sure everything is charged before you hit the road. And once everything is charged up, make sure you take the chargers and cables with you.

Tip: Backup and portable chargers are game changers when you can’t get to an outlet on the road.

3. Plan road trip games

There are only so many movies kids can (and probably should) watch on a roadtrip. Keep the whole family engaged by planning a few road trip games. Here are a few ideas:

The license plate game: A road trip classic.Try to spot a license plate from every state.

Scavenger hunt: Prepare a list of random things to spot during your trip. Can you check everything off the list before you get home?

Would you rather: Print a list of questions ahead of time or take turns coming up with would you rather scenarios.

If you’re feeling creative, put your heads together as a family and try to come up with a new game! Just make sure to pack anything you might need to play the games you have planned, like pen and paper, and download any necessary apps.

4. Pack (healthy) snacks

There’s no doubt about it, snacks are one of the best parts of a road trip. From chips to beef jerky, there’s something special about eating your favorite treats in the car. So make sure to pack you and your kids’ favorites.

But remember to pack some healthy treats as well. Such as fruits, veggies, and other protein-packed items. Otherwise, you might find your kids bouncing around the vehicle on a sugar high.

5. Pack individual road trip bags

It might be more space efficient to pack everything together. However, giving every kid their own ‘designated road trip bag’ will help reduce chaos. 

A few days before you head out, help every child fill their bag with items that they’d like to use during the road trip. This way, instead of rummaging through several bags everyone knows exactly where their own books, snacks, and personal items are.

6. Bring travel guides 

As the kids look forward to your destination, give them a chance to explore with their minds. Travel guides (digital or paperback) are a great way to give your kids something semi-educational to do on the road.

Especially for older kids, this is a great way to get them excited about your destination. As they read about things to do and places to visit, they can even play a role in plannings your outings once you get there.

7. Curate a family playlist

Road trip singalongs are a favorite among kids and adults alike. The best way to get everyone pumped during a road trip is to pump up some tunes.

Avoid fighting over the car stereo and give everyone a chance to enjoy their musical moment by creating a family road trip playlist. Before hitting the road, ask everyone to ‘submit’ a few of their favorite songs. 

Download all the songs and voila – you’ve got a perfect family playlist to take you to your destination.

8. Download apps and movies

From an ebook to your child’s favorite game, make sure you download everything you need (and more) ahead of time.

There’s nothing more disappointing than realizing halfway that you don’t have access to your child’s favorite movie. By tackling the downloads ahead of time, you can avoid the frustration down the road – literally. 

Plus, downloading movies and shows using data can cost a fortune.

9. Plan stops along the way

Every few hours, plan to stop and stretch your legs. Whether it’s stopping to grab a soda or to use the restroom, pit stops are a road trip essential for kids. Check for stops along the route before you leave, so you aren’t stranded on the road for hours with nowhere to stop by the side of the road.

For particularly long trips, it can be helpful to make your road trip part of the destination. Choose some exciting stops along the way and explore for an hour or two. This will help break up the trip and keep kids entertained.

10. Create an emergency kit

We always hope our road trips go smoothly, but it’s best to be prepared – just in case.

Make sure to keep an emergency kit easily accessible in your car. Include common emergency items like bandages, gauze, and a blanket. 

Also, consider giving your little ones mini-emergency kits to keep on their person. Include important details like your contact information and any medical details, so they can reach you in case you accidentally get separated.

11. Finish your road trip at Mountain View RV Park!

Of course, every road trip needs the perfect destination. 

Whether Oklahoma is your final destination or a stop along the way, make sure to stay a few days at Mountain View RV Park. Located a short drive from Hochatown and Beavers Bend, it’s the ideal spot for kids and families. Plus, your whole crew will love our premium amenities, like our premium WiFi and fishing in our private lake.

Book your family’s next road trip stay at Mountain View RV Park today.

Picture of Coy Greathouse

Coy Greathouse

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About Mountain View RV Park

It’s all about connection. 

Connection with our families, our friends, nature, and yes, even connection to our work.

To capture this connection, sometimes you need an escape, a soft place to land—so you can focus on what matters most.

This is Mountain View RV Park.

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